Two weeks till redundancy

A final goodbye to camfill-farr birmingham

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Guten tag!!

wie ghets es ?

Sorry about that, hello , just to let people know if they are still interested that is, I have now got a job working in a hotel!!! I have to wear a shirt and tie and look smart all the time.
I work on reception in the dining room in the bar, and then general caretaking duties aswell.
The money is good and i get a tax free salary aswell, I also get tax free petrol and i get to buy tax free cars and fags and beer and spirits...
Other news...
Freja is crawling now!!! and is into everything!!
Jay is doing well at school, and is coming home speaking the language, which is good!
And Gina and I are getting Married!!
So all in all life is good!!

So if anyone does read this i hope that all is well with you, and life is bringing joy to you.

All my best wishes to you all


Thursday, August 10, 2006

Hello everyone!!!!!

Just a quick note to say hi and all is well with the Smith family!!
We are now here in Germany getting on with our lives.
We are about to move into a very exclusive three bedroom house out in the sticks in a village called Beeck, which for those that don't know Germany, it is in the west about 45 mins weat from dusseldorf.
I have an interview on monday for a bar position which I think i will get quite easily!!
I will be posting pics later on, of the area and the house.
I hate to say it but at this moment in time I don't miss the U.K, but i do miss all of you guys!!
I really hope you all have got on with your lives and are succeeding in all that you do.
It would be nice if you could all post a msg to let me know how you all are doing.

Jay started German school today and well that's another story!!!

hope to hear from you all soon


Friday, July 14, 2006

It has been a week now since we have parted our ways.
I have left it this long to update due to the fact that I felt that we needed time to come to terms with the whole situation. ( or I do)
So how are you all? how are you getting on? who is looking forward to the drink on sat? well leave your comments.....

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Oh well, This is it then! Tomorrow is "R" day!!!!!!!!!

The start of the end, the end of the start.

There may be a few tears, there may be a few smiles, but one thing is for sure, there will be less people there on Monday morning. No one to clock in, no hooter to hear, no coffee being drunk.
The sounds of a busy factory be committed to history, the sound of Bobby Allen shouting "EH!" to Peter, Peter Woofing his way around. The sound of the forklift truck's horn, and the tannoy being silenced.

Good luck to you all, I wish you all the best.

Here we go Jenny darling, here is your pic i promised!
Say hello to Jenny! Gotta love this woman, The bonus ball will never be the same without her!!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

It is getting extremely close to the end now, and people are starting to say their goodbyes in their own special little ways..
It's a sad time when you have to say goodbye to people you have spent more time with than your own family. The company has become a family, we have shared the ups and downs that all relationships have, we have grown together, and shared each others heart breaks with them.
Saying goodbye is like ending a relationship with your spouse, it's gut wrenching!!
I just hope that everyone gets what they want out of life, and they manage to get on without looking back too much with a hung heart.
Just like birds that are ready to fly the nest, we need to all spread our wings and fly to the next challenge, and meet it head on. Who knows we may even find another family to slot into, new experiences to remember, so that our lives we have spent together can be tomorrows anecdotes to share around another coffee machine, or water cooler.

Keep looking to the future! Hold your head up high, and say that every single last one of us have made this company a great company to work for!!!!

Remember it's the people we will miss not the place!!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

So who is sad that the company is closing? Who is happy that the company is closing?
Who doesn't care? Let me hear your comments, lets get them out, I want to hear from all of you!
You don't have to put your name, I'm not interested in naming and shaming.

O.k Well the factory is resembling a ghost town now!

All that seems to be left now is the stock that can't be taken in by Haslingden.

Yesterday there was a bit of excitement when the legendary plaque was stolen from the wall in the gangway we call the green mile.

Speculation was thrown about, But who really took the plaque? Was it Bobby Allen? was it Joe Ellis? was it Peter Do? All we know is that it has gone back to Jamie and the mystery still remains, who really took it??? ( my money is on Bobby Colgate Allen)

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Thursday 29th

Well ladies and gentlemen, this week is coming to an end now. Another step closer to R day.
It was komelash's Birthday today!! Happy birthday to you!! ( Cracking samosas)
The stocktake is now at an end, and we are all looking forward to seeing the back of the last stocktake we will ever do!! No more so than Don!!!

As we lead into the last week, it brings to the mind thoughts of people long since gone. Those that have said goodbye, and those from the past who have passed on by! People that have made this company memorable. When reading this just stop and take a minute, Think of the friends we have made, alliances forged, and lifelong connections we will carry with us for the rest of our lives. As the sands of time pass by, let us not forget the times we have had, the good and the bad, the jokes we have shared and the coffee we have drunk.


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Sorry in the delay to this blog, Things at my end have been really busy.

Monday 26th

The Hepa room has been packed up and loaded on to the trucks. We said goodbye to Ricky, as he has gone today with the Germans and Dave Clarke to Haslingden. We wish them all the best in making a good go at it.
People are starting to get prepared now for stocktake, there is lots of palletising and counting and banding going on.

Tuesday 27th

Today we said goodbye to Dave Edwards ( nibbler). He has also taken the road to Haslingden.
Good luck Dave!!!
The stocktake is now in full swing, and the last of the Hepa has been shipped up, to the open arms of the north.

Wednesday 28th

Today you can see the strain on peoples faces, as the days go by frustration and anxiety build.
The last stages of stocktaking are in process, and there is a lot of business, as all are trying to keep occupied.
Paul Rose today had an accident, he has had to have an op to stitch his hand back together, after an argument with some metal sheets. ( Hope you heal well Paul)

Lets see what tomorrow brings!!

Friday, June 23, 2006

What a group of people!!!

Today passed mainly uneventful, everybody just getting on with the job in hand.
Another week passed and another week closer to ( what I'm going to call R day).
The weekend is here, and this gives us the time we all need to relax, and prepare for the coming week ahead.

Jamie B Kay. What does that B stand for??? Careful now folks!!!!

Nigel Jordan. ( Biggles) See this man if you need your roof fixed or a wall replaced, but as a purchaser?? well??

Rhylis. Absolutely distraught that the company is closing down.!! ??

What a corker!!! Just look at that tosh!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!

All coments welcome!!

It is now Friday morning at 05:13 and this blog has sort of taken over a little. I sit here wondering what delights are in store for myself and my muckers at work today???
At least we dont need to be there all day, we finish at one o clock. Bring on the weekend!
The factory will seem even emptier over the next few days as the northerners have gone home now. We will be fine, we will pull together in the true meaning of the sense !! We each have our own personal victories every day, and our own paths to take. We all know where we want to be, so now is the time to make things happen.

Spencer . you will hear this guy over the local tannoy system " Chris May to reception"

What a guy, What a Blue nose, A true Brummie!!!

This is me ladies and gentlemen. Deano Dominguez the Italian love handle..

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Manjinder and Komelash. They go round all day spreading their happy cheer. Got to love em!

Mary. So i've been told she is now one of the lads!!

This is Sue. She is missing anne, but Sarah makes up for it!!

Sarah . She never seems to smile quite the same as when she sees Don..

This is Shiela. I actually manged to catch her where she was supposed to be !! Don hasn't managed it yet!! ha ha

Today has been one of those days..
We have said goodbye to some of the northerners, we will not see them again in Birmingham.
The mood around the factory today has been quite upbeat, and not too many hung faces.
Our illustrious leader has returned from Haslingden today. Lots of movement around the factory, with the maintenance guys from Haslingden packing up the Hepa area, and making way for the German and Sweedish guys to come and start the removal of some of the more expensive equipment.
The general feelings are that the next two weeks are going to be long and tiring, and maybe a few people will shed a tear as they see their sections going on the back of the waggons.
Today Dave rickards and Malcolm Chalmers are in Haslingden training some of the chaps up there how to use the machines that have already gone up.

This site has made a bit of a stir today, and so far the feedback seems good and all are in support of what I'm doing..

I will follow this with more pics...

This is the lads and lasses that are taking over the reigns at the other end..

Good luck to them and all that sail in them!!!

Captain Morgan!!! sorry, Dave Clarke.. Look out for this guy in your nearest court!!!

Joe Ellis. Careful with this one ladies and gentlemen, this man shot his own wife!!!!!!

Gita!! looks like she knows something we dont.! Or is it just that Bobby isnt in??

Paul rose. I want to break free!!! If he was to grow the tash back, you would all understand..

Johnny coleman. What a star, he just keeps coming back. But youll have to stand very close to hear whats on his mind!!!

Derek powell. Just look into those eyes, can you see the hidden beast???

Jon Foster.

A very special man, ( or so his mom says) .

Not really mate we all love ya!!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

As you will see below there are several pics of my fellow workers. This is not all of them, there will be more to follow. There will also be more to the story.

Pete Do, Goods inward man.

Leo, warehouse supervisor.

This is Bill, Quality assurance officer turned general skivvy, but he is happy !!!

Mrs Victoria Sperry. Can you see the respect!!!

Say hello to Don, or is it Roy? he will never tell!!

Thia is probably the best view of nigel your ever going to get. Ask those that work with him.

Dave " nibbler" Another one who is going up north with the company, Good luckDave !!!

Jason " the van driver" Masefield, top bloke, a true gent!!!

This is my mucker Adam Birch, ( The bald one) adopting the trademark pose. Dont work too hard mucker!!!!

This is Ricky, or his wrestling name " Ricky Mantis" He is a good lad, we think that he is going to move up north with the company, Good luck to him thats what i say!!!

This is Dave Rickards, AKA The RAT!! ha ha ha

This is Narrinder, or as he is affectionately known, Abdul!!!

Chris May ( The toad of toad hall) The maintenance man whoes motto is IF IT AINT BROKE FIX IT UNTILL IT IS !! That sort of sums chris up!!

This is Bobby Allen, He is the longest serving employee, A whopping 37 years !!!!
A good man, very funny, but dont leave anything lying around or it will be in his car and home before you know its gone!!! ha ha ha

It is nearly twelve months since the company I work for announced that they would be closing the doors and moving production to our sister company in Haslingden. (the north)
Now that it is getting closer to the closing date, which is the 7th of July this year, things are getting a little more serious with the people that still have their jobs. The company is being emptied out, and the machinery moved day by day to the other factory.
It has been a tough time lately in the midlands with the closure of other manufacturing plants and businesses, and the pressure is definitely heavy upon the shoulders of my fellow workers to find jobs and survive. Over the next two weeks I will record and introduce you to the remaining workers, and fill you in on the final stages of the company closure...