Two weeks till redundancy

A final goodbye to camfill-farr birmingham

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Guten tag!!

wie ghets es ?

Sorry about that, hello , just to let people know if they are still interested that is, I have now got a job working in a hotel!!! I have to wear a shirt and tie and look smart all the time.
I work on reception in the dining room in the bar, and then general caretaking duties aswell.
The money is good and i get a tax free salary aswell, I also get tax free petrol and i get to buy tax free cars and fags and beer and spirits...
Other news...
Freja is crawling now!!! and is into everything!!
Jay is doing well at school, and is coming home speaking the language, which is good!
And Gina and I are getting Married!!
So all in all life is good!!

So if anyone does read this i hope that all is well with you, and life is bringing joy to you.

All my best wishes to you all
