Two weeks till redundancy

A final goodbye to camfill-farr birmingham

Friday, June 23, 2006

What a group of people!!!

Today passed mainly uneventful, everybody just getting on with the job in hand.
Another week passed and another week closer to ( what I'm going to call R day).
The weekend is here, and this gives us the time we all need to relax, and prepare for the coming week ahead.

Jamie B Kay. What does that B stand for??? Careful now folks!!!!

Nigel Jordan. ( Biggles) See this man if you need your roof fixed or a wall replaced, but as a purchaser?? well??

Rhylis. Absolutely distraught that the company is closing down.!! ??

What a corker!!! Just look at that tosh!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!

All coments welcome!!

It is now Friday morning at 05:13 and this blog has sort of taken over a little. I sit here wondering what delights are in store for myself and my muckers at work today???
At least we dont need to be there all day, we finish at one o clock. Bring on the weekend!
The factory will seem even emptier over the next few days as the northerners have gone home now. We will be fine, we will pull together in the true meaning of the sense !! We each have our own personal victories every day, and our own paths to take. We all know where we want to be, so now is the time to make things happen.

Spencer . you will hear this guy over the local tannoy system " Chris May to reception"

What a guy, What a Blue nose, A true Brummie!!!

This is me ladies and gentlemen. Deano Dominguez the Italian love handle..