Two weeks till redundancy

A final goodbye to camfill-farr birmingham

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Manjinder and Komelash. They go round all day spreading their happy cheer. Got to love em!

Mary. So i've been told she is now one of the lads!!

This is Sue. She is missing anne, but Sarah makes up for it!!

Sarah . She never seems to smile quite the same as when she sees Don..

This is Shiela. I actually manged to catch her where she was supposed to be !! Don hasn't managed it yet!! ha ha

Today has been one of those days..
We have said goodbye to some of the northerners, we will not see them again in Birmingham.
The mood around the factory today has been quite upbeat, and not too many hung faces.
Our illustrious leader has returned from Haslingden today. Lots of movement around the factory, with the maintenance guys from Haslingden packing up the Hepa area, and making way for the German and Sweedish guys to come and start the removal of some of the more expensive equipment.
The general feelings are that the next two weeks are going to be long and tiring, and maybe a few people will shed a tear as they see their sections going on the back of the waggons.
Today Dave rickards and Malcolm Chalmers are in Haslingden training some of the chaps up there how to use the machines that have already gone up.

This site has made a bit of a stir today, and so far the feedback seems good and all are in support of what I'm doing..

I will follow this with more pics...

This is the lads and lasses that are taking over the reigns at the other end..

Good luck to them and all that sail in them!!!

Captain Morgan!!! sorry, Dave Clarke.. Look out for this guy in your nearest court!!!

Joe Ellis. Careful with this one ladies and gentlemen, this man shot his own wife!!!!!!

Gita!! looks like she knows something we dont.! Or is it just that Bobby isnt in??

Paul rose. I want to break free!!! If he was to grow the tash back, you would all understand..

Johnny coleman. What a star, he just keeps coming back. But youll have to stand very close to hear whats on his mind!!!

Derek powell. Just look into those eyes, can you see the hidden beast???

Jon Foster.

A very special man, ( or so his mom says) .

Not really mate we all love ya!!!