Two weeks till redundancy

A final goodbye to camfill-farr birmingham

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Oh well, This is it then! Tomorrow is "R" day!!!!!!!!!

The start of the end, the end of the start.

There may be a few tears, there may be a few smiles, but one thing is for sure, there will be less people there on Monday morning. No one to clock in, no hooter to hear, no coffee being drunk.
The sounds of a busy factory be committed to history, the sound of Bobby Allen shouting "EH!" to Peter, Peter Woofing his way around. The sound of the forklift truck's horn, and the tannoy being silenced.

Good luck to you all, I wish you all the best.

Here we go Jenny darling, here is your pic i promised!
Say hello to Jenny! Gotta love this woman, The bonus ball will never be the same without her!!!